The clinic Serenity

Located in Jerusalem, Serenity Clinic was founded in 2010 by Hillel Ouaknin.

This eminent therapist graduated from the prestigious Rideman Institute in Israel and from famous Zhejiang University in China in traditional Chinese medicine ( acupuncture, Tuina , herbs and nutrition, Qigong ) and Japanese medicine ( Kiko Mastumoto Academy) .

He is also a graduate in sports coaching and fitness of the Wingate Institute.

Hillel Ouaknin also works in the orthopedic and acupuncture service of Shaarei Tzedek Hospital in Jerusalem.



Acupuncture is the most famous of the five branches of Chinese medicine. The discovery of medical texts in 1973 in a tomb at Mawangdui in Hunan province in China allows us to date its origins to approximately 2000 years ago…

Herbes Chinoises

Chinese herbology

Chinese herbology – also called Chinese herbal medicine and Chinese materia medica – are known and used for their incredible beneficial properties and are the jewel of Chinese medicine…

Massage Tui Na

Tui Na massage

More than just a massage, Tuina is a complete manual therapy system which principles come from theories of traditional Chinese medicine…

  • Hillel Ouaknin

    Master in Chinese medicine, Japanese, and Martial Art

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Specialized Clinics

Sport pain and injuries

Sport injuries are usually due to inadequate training methods, weakness of muscles, tendons and ligaments or to a poor distribution of muscle tone.

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Smoking and addictions

Many people use acupuncture to quit smoking. Serenity is pleased to offer this treatment in our Jerusalem clinic in Israel.

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Dermatology and Allergies

Acupuncture and Chinese medicine for dermatology are particularly efficient because we propose a personalized treatment

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Women’s health & Fertility

Are you pregnant? Congratulations. We help you live a serene pregnancy without headaches, mood swings or heartburn, depression and energy loss.

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In traditional medicine, doctors don’t treat children and adults in the same way. Similarly, acupuncture methods to treat various diseases and disorders are different when it comes to young children.

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People wishing to lose weight often chose the wrong option and go on fanciful and dangerous diets that can cause significant lacks and malfunctions.

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